DIY: Brew + Bottle
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Be sure to inspect all equiment for any debris or films. Do not use soap, it can ruin the head of your beer. PBW or B-Brite both work great for cleaning your equipment.
Crush your grains with a rolling pin. Put your grains in a muslin bag, add 1.5-2 gallons of tap water to your pot. Boil overs are messy, make sure to leave a gallon or two of headspace. Steep your gains at 155 degrees for 10-30 minutes. 10 minutes is fine if you’re pressed for time. You’ll need a thermometer for this stage. Remove the pot from the burner and let grains steep for another 5-10 minutes.
Before returning the pot to burner add your malt extract. Make sure to
stir the water so the malt extract does not scorch on the bottom of your pot. As soon as you see a boiling bubble add 1 oz bittering hops and boil for at least 45 minutes stirring as needed.
Pour the wort (pronounced “wert”) into the primary fermenter that contains 3.5-4 gallons of water. Make sure you have cooled your wort below 80 degrees.
Rehydrate your dry yeast in luke warm water (90-100 degrees) and let stand for 10 minutes. Then pour into the wort. Approx. 1-3 days after adding the yeast you should start to notice a healthy fermentation taking place. A head of foam will have formed and CO2 should be bubbling out of the airlock. After 5-7 days of fermentation, transfer into a glass carboy. A good rule of thumb is that the fermentation process takes about 2 weeks.
At bottling time, heat 1 cup of water and add 3/4 cup of corn sugar. Bring the solution to a slow boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a sanitized lid and let cool. Add the corn sugar to the bottling bucket, siphon beer from your fermenter into your bottling bucket and fill the bottles using a
bottle filler. Cap your bottles and you’re done. Store your beer in a cool (60-70 degrees), dark place for 2-4 weeks. Not on a cool basement floor during the winter.