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In the basic understanding, color effects our body through the subconscious mind, the immune system and various other systems of the body. It does this by charging particles that then travel into our tissues, fluids and cells. Meaning, since cells are a product of their environment, like we are, they are affected on a basic level (think the way cells talk to each other and organize themselves) regarding how healthy they are.
So what does this mean for us? Well, German scientists have started to publish research about how clothing effects our immune system. Their studies have shown that black is carcinogenic because it depresses cell activity, a factor in determining the health of the immune system. But wearing COLOR stimulates the immune system and, not so subtly, our moods. Designers use these insights all the time, knowing yellow's inviting, green's relaxed and refreshed, blue's calming, and so on.
What've we learned from color research? Cells are a vibrant community that care for each other, communicating through light, and we have the opportunity to make choices everyday that help support them. Since only cancer cells don't emit light, we should consciously try to minimize the ways in which we suppress our immune system -- this includes the colors we wear.
We wear colors because it makes other people's days better. Whether we realize it or not, even the smallest things we do impact people's lives; and since we always want our impact to be as positive as possible, we do our best to limit how much black we wear -- and that means how much black we produce (zero). Why? Because It's our mission to inspire and excite our communities to live as vibrantly as possible and that definitely starts with all the little things we do.
Spread the Yellow Love, wear something bright today!